Tuesday, October 14, 2008

What Are We Learning About?

Today was the first day of school and I needed to prepare my class for their next part of the learning journey. We headed out to our native bush area at school and informed the children we were going to pull the weeds out around the trees. Off they went making comments such as:
  • Yuck there's a white tail spider!
  • Ewwwww! There's a slug!
  • Look just pull the weeds out from the bottom!
  • No, there's too much grass left around the tree.
  • We found a shady tree!
  • Mrs Armstrong-Lush, why are we doing this?
This would opened the floor to some great discussion. We headed to class and I asked the children to answer the following question:

What were we learning about in the native bush area?

Listen to the responses to find out if anyone of the children from my class could make the connection between what we were doing and what we were learning.

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