Monday, October 27, 2008

Room 12 & 13 went too nga manu at 8;30 am to learn about native birds,trees and of the birds that really inspired me were the Toatara had very long tails and there skin was shredding.There were lots more crechers that inspied me but the Toatara was my favorite.
it took about 2 hours too get to nga manu but it was 2 very fun 2 hours it was fun because i was with ryans mum in the bus and my mum is best friends with her . When we went too the Ells bob our instucter told us how the ells got to have there babies thay swam to fiji and had there babies and then thay whould go back to there home the ells were very interersting because they were about 2 meters long thay were mostly all girls there were about 1 or 2 boys we got to touch the ells and bob ask for a vlolinter and ryan was the one he had to KISS THE ELL!!! it was so grows. after that we went with our parents do what work we had to do. in my group was Emma Ryan Sean Mitchell and I. Emma was the one that was doing the most work so the trip at nga manu was all-some.
BY Ella-Rose

Nga Manu

Rooms 12 and13 had to be at school at 8.3o am after everyone was in the classroom our teacher called out the roll then we got on the bus. We finally arrived at Nga Manu after sitting on the bus for about 2 hours.

We sat down in the information centre and had our morning tea. Bob our instructor showed us a boy tuatara it is 12 years old then Bob took us too the eels they look very slimy. Everyone got to touch it. Ryan kissed one then turned around and claped hands with his mum there is a picture of him on the right.

After that my group went to the kea and it landed on my head, it gave me a shock because I never knew it was going to land on me.

After that we went to the lookout, I could see all of Nga Manu. It looked amazing because there were so much trees and bush. After we returned to the lunch area I tried to chase after a pukeko but I tripped up.

Everyone went on the bus and off we went. On the way home we stopped at the Levin park where everyone went on the flying fox. Takana ripped his leg open when he hit it against Hughe's head and I cut my foot on the mouse wheel.

It was a good trip to Nga Manu and I learnt that it's important to save birds and animals because they are kind of like humans and we don't want them to be extinct.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

We're Off To Nga Manu

On Tuesday 21 october 2008 we are getting ready to go to Nga Manu to learn about native trees and birds. We think we will see the different enclosures of the birds habitats. This is what we think we will either see or learn about:
  • I think we are going to learn how to save different birds (Fleur)
  • I think we are going to see Kaka (Ana)
  • I think we are going to Nga Manu to learn how to save native trees and birds (Ryan)
  • When we are at Nga Manu we are going to see different kinds of trees like Rimu and Lancewood (Zane)
  • I think we are going to learn about difference plants and birds we don't know of (Solomon)
  • While we are at Nga Manu we will see different birds like the tui and kea (Lucy)
  • While we are at Nga Manu we will see the birds different habitats (Summer)
  • I think we are going to see  birds on the side of tracks at Nga Manu. (Ella-Rose)
  • I think we are going to Nga Manu to learn about birds and their habitats (Marcus)
  • I think we are going to Nga Manu to strive for excellence and learn more about trees, New Zealand and the birds (Tayla)
  • I think we will  see native trees (Sean)
  • I think we will see native birds and trees (Jonty)
  • I think we are going to learn about the native birds and trees and how to save them (Emma)
  • I think we are going to Nga Manu to learn about what different birds eat ( Mitchell)
  • I think we are going to learn how important native birds and animals are to New Zealand (Shayne)
  • I think we are goint to Nga Manu to learn about native animals and how to save them (Cory)
  • I think we are going to Nga Manu to learn about native bushes and birds (Giovanni)
  • I think we are going to learn about how many different species of native birds there are (Supreeth)
  • I think we are going to learn about nature (Paris)
  • We will learn how to save native trees and plants (Charlie)
  • We are going to Nga Manu to learn about nature and trees (Aimee)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Our Class Learning Reflection

From now on the children in my class will be writing on our blog about their learning and Nga Manu. I hope you enjoy sharing our journey and if you have time please a add comment or a thought on our blog.

Mrs Armstrong-Lush and Room 13

W.A.L.T: save native bushes and birds in New Zealand

This is our learning intention (W.A.L.T- We are learning to) this helps us with our learning so we know what we are doing. Our signs of success (S.O.S) tells us what to do to help us complete our task or what to do next and the information we need to learn before we finish the topic.

W.A.L.T: save native bushes and birds in New Zealand

* Name 5New Zealand native trees/ bushes
* Name 5 New Zealand native birds
* Identifying native trees/ bushes
* Identify the characteristic/ habitats / food of New Zealand native birds
* Know how to save or help native birds/ bushes/ trees

What Are We Learning About?

What Are We Learning About?

Today was the first day of school and I needed to prepare my class for their next part of the learning journey. We headed out to our native bush area at school and informed the children we were going to pull the weeds out around the trees. Off they went making comments such as:
  • Yuck there's a white tail spider!
  • Ewwwww! There's a slug!
  • Look just pull the weeds out from the bottom!
  • No, there's too much grass left around the tree.
  • We found a shady tree!
  • Mrs Armstrong-Lush, why are we doing this?
This would opened the floor to some great discussion. We headed to class and I asked the children to answer the following question:

What were we learning about in the native bush area?

Listen to the responses to find out if anyone of the children from my class could make the connection between what we were doing and what we were learning.